Montag, 3. Januar 2011

new year_old painting

i like the time around when a new year starts,_i like it in a reflecting kinda way...i flick through some pictures i made and think about what i wanna get done during the next year...and stuff like also helps me to find out if my plans are long i need for this or that...that`s one reason why i like this blog for example...
i don`t think it makes much sense to view the new years as a point from where i could change myself completely...and i`m not making any promises to myself_such like tomorrow i`ll quit smoking and coffee forever or something like that_to feel new and improved or whatsoever...but i think it`s good to take some time to think about what i`d like to do...and maybe how i could make some of my dreams come`s a good point to year is a nice interval... it`s not very long but it can happen a lot in one year_the most of these things i have in mind don`t have much to do with luck_maybe a bit but i cannot expect any wonders_i know i have to work for the most of em... i`m not expecting from myself that the first painting of this new year has to be better than those i made before...that`s why i chose this old painting for this new years post...i refuse to pressure myself_i actually didn`t even liked this painting when i finished it...but now, one year later, i have more distance and i found out it`s not that`s kinda intense for some reason...some things maybe just depend on the perspective...
life is never only good or bad,...and everything has it`s least that`s what i believe...

i wish a healthy and happy new year y`all !

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